Blogs about ‘Technology’

An Update on React Native – the cross platform app Javascript framework of choice

February 25th, 2022 by Ishan Geeganage

What is React Native? React Native is a popular JavaScript-based mobile app framework that allows an app developer to build a natively rendered mobile app for iOS and Android.  The framework lets us create an application for various platforms (Apple, Android and more) by using the same codebase.  This reduces the cost of development for our clients, because we … Read More

What’s new in the world of Vue?

February 14th, 2022 by Jimmy Bui
web application development using VueJS

First, what is Vue? Vue is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It builds on top of standard HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and provides a declarative and component-based programming model that helps you efficiently develop user interfaces, be it simple or complex. Vue has big and strong community to support with many good plugins.  … Read More

Spot the Odd One Out & User Interface Design

January 30th, 2022 by Heather Maloney
user interface design when building a mobile app or kiosk application

Do you remember playing the game “Spot the Odd One Out” when you were a kid? I used to love that game (yep, there’s a reason I ended up working in information technology) and it turns out that this is an important skill when working on user interface design for software and mobile apps. As … Read More

Humanising the Digital Experience

November 30th, 2021 by Heather Maloney
Humanising digital technology

Zoom meeting after Teams meeting, click and collect, no choice but to buy online, bots to answer your questions, layers of IVR questions to call through to the right department … they can all lead to absence of humanity in your interactions with organisations. Absence of humanity can lead to disengagement. After many months of … Read More

Technology updates for mobile apps

June 25th, 2021 by Ishan Geeganage

The iOS operating system for Apple devices, and the Android operating system for Samsung and many other brands of mobile devices, are constantly being updated to provide tools to allow developers to implement new features supported by new hardware, and to improve the performance and security of apps on iTunes and the Google Play store. … Read More

Google and Apple Updates Affecting Digital Marketing

April 26th, 2021 by Phil Le

Businesses – both small and large scale – have been using digital marketing channels to target and reach potential customers for a long time now, often at a much lower cost compared to traditional mediums such as TV commercials or radio advertising. However, like most technology, digital marketing channels are evolving at a rapid pace … Read More

Custom Technology or Packaged Solution – which path should I take?

March 14th, 2021 by Heather Maloney

Contactpoint has always operated in the custom technology space, helping our clients with ideas for unique technology solutions to marketplace challenges, to make those ideas a reality. We are currently in the middle of building some significant pieces of custom tech, and we have just finished the complete re-build of a custom solution for Deaths … Read More

The Winds of Change Howling around Big Tech

January 26th, 2021 by Heather Maloney

Big Tech – namely Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook – are increasingly under pressure due to their vast impact on our lives. The way they exercise their impact and influence is coming under pressure in many ways, including the following: Privacy concerns surrounding the sale or misuse of personal data. Monopolistic concerns, including their control … Read More

Business Changes that will remain post pandemic

December 8th, 2020 by Heather Maloney

I have been thinking about all the changes business has experienced this year due to the pandemic, and which changes I expect to stay with us, impacting business in the years to come. These are my thoughts – I look forward to hearing yours as well, so please add your comments below. Ecommerce Ecommerce has … Read More

Cloud Middleware for APIs Supporting Multiple Goals

October 23rd, 2020 by Heather Maloney

There’s no getting around it – businesses are increasingly using many different apps to handle specific tasks. Accounting, marketing, order fulfillment, sales, project management, the list goes on. Each application chosen by a business performs important tasks very well, but adds to the complexity of the business operations, particularly when information needs to be shared … Read More

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