Blogs about ‘Email Marketing’

Cloud Middleware for APIs Supporting Multiple Goals

October 23rd, 2020 by Heather Maloney

There’s no getting around it – businesses are increasingly using many different apps to handle specific tasks. Accounting, marketing, order fulfillment, sales, project management, the list goes on. Each application chosen by a business performs important tasks very well, but adds to the complexity of the business operations, particularly when information needs to be shared … Read More

Email Marketing springs into action around COVID-19 pandemic

April 27th, 2020 by Heather Maloney

Since the launch of Enudge in 2006, email marketing has continued to be the single most cost effective digital marketing opportunity there is, bar none. It achieves the highest engagement, at the lowest cost per send. Of course you can’t use email marketing alone because it relies on you having your own list of consenting … Read More

DKIM, DMARC and email delivery

April 16th, 2019 by Heather Maloney

The methods to secure email delivery have improved significantly over the last few years in order to combat the growing impact of email scams. It is now very important that your email security methods are up to date to ensure the highest delivery into your customer’s inboxes. DKIM stands for DomainKeys Identified Mail. It is … Read More

The Latest Email Campaign Design trends

January 18th, 2019 by Heather Maloney

Design trends are a favourite topic for discussion at the start of each year. However, what is possible in the design of an email campaign is significantly constrained by email programs used by the recipient (or at least, the lowest common denominator of email clients). Email design must also ensure a great experience for those … Read More

The Evolution of the Tech Behind Digital Marketing

October 2nd, 2018 by Dave O'Dwyer

Google recently celebrated its 20th birthday. Over it’s short lifetime it has become an indispensable tool that millions of people rely on everyday. Can you imagine life without Google? Digital marketing has also developed in capability over the past 20 years. Once it was enough to simply have website, and perhaps a well-placed banner ad. … Read More

Implications of the new Privacy Act on Email and SMS Marketing

February 13th, 2017 by Heather Maloney

Okay … this may seem a little dry, but hang in there; we will get to the nitty gritty as quickly as possible. Email and SMS marketing in Australia is not only impacted by the Australian Spam Act 2003, but also the Privacy Act 1988 (as amended by the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act … Read More

Online Technologies to consider for your business

May 30th, 2012 by Heather Maloney

The following online technologies have broad application across many industries, to help you increase awareness of your brand, products and services, strengthen relationships with existing customers, build community around your brand, position you as a thought leader in your industry or area of expertise, increase sales, and generate more leads. Do a mental stocktake on … Read More

How CNET setout to refresh their list

February 7th, 2012 by Heather Maloney

It got my attention, so I thought I’d share with you the recently distributed “database refresh” message sent out by CNET to try and get their audience to read their messages or re-engage. The subject of the newsletter below was the first thing to get my attention. It read: “Is this goodbye? CNET will miss … Read More

Landing Page Design Trends for 2012 – Website Magazine – Website Magazine

January 17th, 2012 by Heather Maloney

Following the key points described in the article below will benefit the design of your home page, landing page, or email marketing campaign. Landing Page Design Trends for 2012 – Website Magazine – Website Magazine. by

What does the EOFY and the ski season have in common?

July 4th, 2011 by Heather Maloney

What does the EOFY and the ski season have in common? Answer: an opportunity for a seasonal promotion! How many end of financial year sale emails did you receive?  How about special offers for the start of the ski season.  Do you have your end of ski season campaign planned? Significant dates in the calendar are … Read More

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